The network marketing industry has been one of the most active industries around the world in terms of membership for several decades. From cookware to jewelry to makeup, there are some very familiar brand names in this industry. Almost every home has at least one product or received a service from the network marketing industry.
Interesting Network Marketing Industry Facts
23% of the organizations in the network marketing industry focus on health and wellness.
Some people see jobs in these fields as a scam or a fast way to lose money, but there are millions of workers worldwide that utilize this industry as their sole source of income. In 2010, this industry generated over $28 billion in direct sales! To succeed in this industry, you must be willing to sell products consistently and be good at doing it.
Three Essential Statistics to Consider
1. Someone starts a home-based business that is based on network marketing principles every 10 seconds in the world today.
2. Networking marketing businesses that are based out of a home have an 80% greater chance of success than other traditional small businesses.
3. About 38 million people work at least part-time out of their home using industry-based skills every day.
Takeaway: When most people think of this industry, they think of pyramid schemes, lousy products, and annoying brochures. Although there is this component to the industry, the vast majority of goods that are sold directly not only are of top quality, but they are highly competitive in pricing structure. Home-based parties allow people to see and try products before they purchase them and many are satisfied with their purchase not only because they get something good, but they’re helping a friend out too.
Additional Statistics to Consider About This Industry
1. The average bonus check a home-based networking marketing representative receives every month is greater than $500.
2. By 2015, it is estimated that 50% of American households will be operating a home-based network marketing business at least part-time.
3. The average worker in this industry who works full-time at direct sales earns more than $55,000 per year.
4. 1 out of every 5 home-based network marketing businesses gross at least 6 figures in sales annually.
5. More than half a million people will create a home-based business using network marketing industry skills in 2014 alone.
6. More than 15 million people currently work full time at home in a network marketing business.
7. Some of the biggest names in this industry are Avon, Mary Kay Cosmetics, Pampered Chef, and Tupperware.
Takeaway: When traditional jobs are difficult to find, a home-based job using network marketing skills is an easy stand-by option. It offers people the chance to earn a fair salary representing goods or services that they love while being able to pay the bills and spend more time with their families. For those that need a little extra cash to make ends meet, just a few hours a week with a home-based business can create the extra income that is needed.
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