Facebook is the world’s largest social network. That may be great news for Mark and his gang but its valuation really doesn’t affect other businesses. What does matter for businesses is that Facebook is a marketplace of more than a billion people, thus an ideal medium to reach out to your target audience, to people who are not aware of your business or brand and to eventually convert the unsuspecting social network user into your customer or client.
Increasing Social Media Presence
Acquiring fans or trying to convince people to become your customers on Facebook is like fishing in a giant pond. There are innumerable fishes to catch and if you are an expert at fishing, ala marketing, then your company can be immensely rewarded from the social networking strategies that you would put in place.
Fishing On Facebook – A Guide For Businesses, is a comprehensive take on how you should approach the pond, what all you must use as bait and how you must reel the fishes in and onto your boat. The guide is a holistic take on social networking and internet marketing which doesn’t discount any reality.
How Fans Engage with Facebook
People use Facebook for fun and to stay in touch with others. They are not on the site to gorge on your bait. Thus, if you are trying to win people over, you cannot sound or behave like a fisherman. The reason why ‘unsuspecting social network user’ is stressed on is because you can only be a smart marketer on social networks when you do not allow your fans or social network users to see you coming.
Fishing for customers on Facebook can be a tedious and uphill battle or it can be a breezy encounter which could turn into a very rewarding experience. It all boils down to what you share, how you share, what you do to keep people interested and how you cash in on your fan following. There are many tricks of the trade that you need to master. The info-graphic is a guide that sheds lights on all such tricks and tips.
From illustrations on how you should think like a fan to strategizing your entire fishing endeavor, everything is discussed in the info-graphic. The measures discussed do not cost a fortune and you do not have to be an expert on social media to implement them. All you should do is understand the realities and endorse them in your marketing ala fishing strategy.
The post 11 Cool Ways to Get Customers from Facebook appeared first on BrandonGaille.com.