Marketing has always been a reflection of the times we live in. Some of the all time best and most innovative marketing strategies have been directly inspired by real life events, pop culture and by the socioeconomic conditions that have prevailed at that time. It is thus not a surprise that modern marketing strategies should draw from contemporary trends.
Advertisement Strategies
There was once an advertisement of Volkswagen, many years ago, that had an image of a suburban residential area where each house had a van parked outside. All the homes were identical and all the vans were identical barring one. The ad pushed through an idea that since the homes, people and their lives are not identical, why should they all own the same car. Volkswagen stood for being different at a time when European car brands weren’t faring very well stateside. The ad captured the imagination of innumerable people but today such an ad wouldn’t make even one head turn.
The reason why that ad would fail to draw attention is because the image would be regarded as bland. Colorless vans on a road next to identical houses, people would barely spend the time needed to understand what the message being conveyed is. Today, people want lucid communications that do not demand the time to think. In times of dwindling attention span and unprecedented competition, staying in sync with the hottest trends is not an option but an imperative choice.
Marketing With the Right Words
Marketing Lessons From 2013’s Hottest Words is not a critical analysis or a research report of any kind to make your marketing strategies more complicated. When things are being simplified, it hardly makes any sense to go for complexities. The hottest trends discussed in the info-graphic are pop culture references about what is going on and what people are rooting for.
The nine trends, phenomena rather, have captured the fancy of millions of people in the country and beyond. These trends reflect the mindset of the young, what they are thinking, what they want from life, from companies or businesses selling them the goodies. The words speak tons about how people can be approached today and what would keep them glued to something. Explore these trends, understand what they mean and make note of what relevance they have in regards to marketing. If you can capitalize on contemporary phenomena in your marketing strategies then your approach would never face the challenges that an initiative normally does.
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