Landing pages are designed to help your boost conversion rates and get online users to do exactly what you want. However, most landing pages are not designed with conversion rates in mind and have flaws that keep them from being an effective conversion tool. If you want to boost sales for your online business, you need to know the landing page fatal flaws that you have to avoid.
Why Do Landing Pages Matter?
Before you delve right into the common mistakes that are made involving the design of landing pages, it is important to realize how essential landing pages can actually be for your websites. About 64% of marketers agree that landing pages are the best method to test value proposition and that 70% of businesses count on landing pages to obtain sales or get leads for future sales. This data clearly shows that landing pages matter most in the world of online marketing.
What Should You Avoid?
The common mistakes that you are making in regards to your landing page are actually quite easy to fix. Making these simple changes will substantially improve conversion rates by numbers that you won’t believe.
Too Much Info
Although landing pages are often specifically designed for you to get important information from prospective consumers, you can’t ask for too much at once. It is a huge turn off for online users visiting your site if they are immediately bombarded with countless questions and have to enter a lot of information right off the bat. Keep it basic at first and make sure to remember that short and sweet is best.
You Aren’t Specific
The only way that your call to action will get high conversion rates is if you are specific. Having numerous call to actions only leads to confusion and will cause your conversion rates to fall. Keep it simple for all online users and only provide one offer that they simply can’t miss. You need to make the call to action easy to find, but also a breeze to complete.
Text After Text
Having entirely too much text on your landing page is a common mistake. It is important to realize that too much text is just confusing and a pain for online users to read or sort through. Make sure that you get their attention by using bullet points and bolding text to make a great impression.
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