With the rising costs off childbirth, many parents find themselves needed help with the expenses of having a child. Friends and family are able to plan a baby shower to help the expectant mother gain the necessary items needed for their newborn child. This can relieve a lot of undue burden from the parents while helping them stress less about getting the basic things they need. Thee below baby shower invitation wording ideas are perfect examples for those planning on having a girl. These have been used by others and intended to help inspire your own unique sentiment.
A beautiful treasure more precious than gold. A precious baby girl for [name] to love and hold.
A giggle, a coo and a cute little curl, our Mommy-to-be is expecting a girl.
A little get together will be such a treat, in honor of a little someone we just can’t wait to meet.
Bottles and booties and bibs and more, let’s shower the baby with gifts galore.
Bottles and bows our love overflows. Join us as we honor [name] and her baby girl.
Diaper pins and bottles rattles and bows, these are the little things that our new baby brings.
Heard the forecast? A baby is predicted, but first there will be a shower.
Hey diddle, diddle. Have you seen [name] middle. The baby will be here soon. Please join us for a Baby Shower in honor of [baby girl name].
It won’t be long, she is on the way. Let’s help [name] prepare for this big day.
Lets shower her with love. You are cordially invited to a Baby Shower.
Someone special, someone dear, someone new. To love is Here. Join us in showering [name] with a baby shower.
Sugar, spice and everything nice. That is what this little girl will be made of.
Tea parties, baby dolls and dress up clothes. This time it’s a girl with ribbon and bows.
Ten little button nose. Bright eyes, curly hair. A baby girl for [name] to share.
Ten little fingers and ten little toes, two little ears and one little nose. Join us for a Baby Shower honoring [baby’s name].
Tiny dresses, tiny socks. Tea parties and baby blocks, it’s exciting don’t you think? This little one will be wearing pink.
Tiny yawns and sleepy sighs, nursery rhymes and lullabies. A brand new life will brighten our world, oh what fun it will be to have a girl.
Twinkling stars in the heaven above, are smiling down on baby with love. Join us for a baby shower honoring [name].
We have the formula for fun. Help us celebrate and shower the expectant mother for her delightful baby girl.
We’re thinking pink and we’re happy to say, that [name] has a baby girl on the way.
When a child is born, so is a mother. You’re invited to a Baby Shower for [name] on [date].
The average cost for having a child that is absorbed through out of pocket costs after insurance ranges from $4,000 to $45,000. This costs have increased more than four times in the last 5 years. More than 20 years ago, women with insurance did not have to pay anything fora single birth. Now those costs are more than $20,000. This and more important facts about the high costs of childbirth are outlined in the following infographic.
The post 21 Baby Shower Invitation Wording Ideas for Girls appeared first on BrandonGaille.com.