A listing of the most popular motorcycle slogans from the top brands. These catchy taglines communicate the luxuries and joy of riding on two wheel motor vehicles.
Blue blooded Yamaha.
It’s not the destination, it’s the journey.
It’s time to ride.
King of the V-8 Motorcycles.
Legend of American roads.
Let the good times roll.
Live to Ride, Ride to Live.
More smiles per hour.
Motorbike of the century.
Performance First.
Sheer Riding Pleasure.
So screw it, let’s ride.
Technology of Emotions.
The Legend Rolls On.
The Road Starts here. It never Ends.
Until you’ve been on a Harley-Davidson, you haven’t been on a motorcycle.
You Meet the Nicest People on a Honda.
The following infographic explains the most common causes of motorcycle accidents and how to prevent them. 46% of motorcycle riders were under the influence of some kind of alcoholic substance at the time of their death.
The post List of Popular Motorcycle Slogans and Catchy Taglines appeared first on BrandonGaille.com.