The taxi industry in highly profitable. In the last year alone it brought in over 12 billion dollars of revenue. That is a pretty impressive amount of money! Starting your own can be rewarding as well as lucrative. The first step to owning a successful taxi company is choosing a great name. Here is a wonderful list of existing taxi company names to give you some ideas.
American Shuttle
Beverly Hills Cab Co.
Broad Dyckman Car Services
California Cab Company
Cool Cabs
East Taxi
Easy Cabs
Easy Shuttle
Friendly Taxi
Getting There
Independent Taxi Co.
Jamie’s Transport Service
LA Taxi
Miami Taxi
NYC Taxi
Perfect Taxi
Pink Taxis
Precious Cargo Taxi
Prestige Taxi
Red Coach
Scoop U Up
SunShine Transportation
Taxi Associates
The Taxi Company
Transportation Solutions
Trusted Taxi Co.
This video is about a very successful man who started his own taxi company. He explains his stories and how he got to where he is today with his business.
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