Building a Strategy for Real Estate Marketing
This begins with formulating a plan of expenditure. You will definitely need to spend a certain amount of money each month for marketing. The budget needs to guide you well on the strategies of marketing to employ. Set time targets for marketing as it will use up some of your time. It is important to set targets for given duration to have a clear plan on how to proceed with the marketing campaign. Below are approaches that you could employ in your marketing strategy. It is best for you to select at least five of these strategies to achieve the best results.
1. Comb the area for strategic homes
Drive through the area you target and identify those homes which seem to be in bad shape.
2. Use intersection signs
A bandit sign on the busy intersection will definitely draw a lot of attention.
3. Post your message on the windshields of people you target
This definitely means flyers! A flyer can be used to communicate a precise message to the targeted audience.
4. Catch their attention before they step into the house
A door handle can be a really good medium to call attention to your services. Ensure you make them attractive enough so that they are not discarded without being read through.
5. Exploit the allure of a post card
A post card gives your audience an easy means of reading your message. They do not have to open an envelope to know what you are communicating and this striking feature can be used to your advantage.
6. Make your message stand out with a letter done by hand
People are tired of junk mail. To give people the curiosity to read through your messages, how about writing a letter literally. This has been shown to be an effective marketing strategy due to the uniqueness it offers.
7. Recommendations
These could be gotten from reputable players in the real estate industry. Title agents and realtors, for example, could do your profile a lot of good with a referral.
8. Network through conferences and seminars
Go to events hosted for players in the industry. You will form meaningful connections which will do your goal a lot of good.
9. Social networking platforms
This is a good strategy for targeting the numerous followers of social networking sites. Promote your services in a way that gives general knowledge that people seek for as well.
10. Send your messages across through videos
This has not been fully exploited as a means of marketing and you will find it inexpensive if you choose to employ it.
11. Carve a niche for yourself online
People appreciate finding out about services from websites. Through newsletters and direct chat, you will be able to answer to potential clients’ needs and thus endear your services to them.
12. Use the services of non-real estate industry players
You do not have to rely on connections with people in the real estate sector to forge ahead. If you come across persons with the ability to hook you up with real estate opportunities, go for them.
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