Here are some of the biggest takeaways with the following infographic.
1) Users Are Going To Demand More.
As technology gives us more, it is natural that we’re going to demand more. This is certainly going to be true with social media trends for 2016. Established concepts are becoming more immersive or interactive, while entirely new ways of looking at social media are quickly taking hold of the collective public’s attention.
2) 2016 Might Be The Biggest Year For Social Media Ever.
While social media is hardly a new invention at this point, there is no question that it is proving itself to be one of the most fluid, surprising, and adaptable concepts in recent history. 2016 has a definite chance at being the biggest year for social media ever. Anyone who wants to profit/benefit from social media needs to be ready to move and adapt as circumstances/developments demand.
3) Real-Time Engagement Is Still a Heavyweight Element To The Discussion.
When it comes to users interacting with brands on social media, there is no question that real-time engagement is still the end result desire of virtually everyone who does this. Around 70% of those who reach out to brands on social media expect those brands to respond to them. 53% want to get a response from the brand within an hour or less. If there is a complaint, 72% demand the brand respond to them. Keep in mind that on social media in 2014, users complained about one brand or another an astonishing 879, 000, 000 times. These are not terribly new figures. If anything, you can expect them to either increase, or to pretty much stay the same. Either way, real-time engagement remains an important consideration for many brands.
4) New Ways To Interact With Social Media.
Over the course of the past year or two, we’ve seen both video and social media commerce move from pipe dreams to reality. These things are a hit with the vast majority of users of social media, so expect brands to look for increasingly elaborate, unique ways to use these things to connect with the biggest potential audience possible. For example, Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest are all either experimenting or finding great success with immersive, immediate action-type ads.
5) The Mobile Component.
Mobile usage is only becoming more and more meaningful in the lives of the vast majority of consumers. You better believe this is going to continue to grow and develop.
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