Recognized as one of the world’s foremost Christian teachers and speakers, Bruce Wilkinson is a world reknown teacher and author. Know for his number one New York Times bestseller, ‘The Prayer of Jabez,’ here is a look at some of the most spectacular Bruce H. Wilkinson quotes.
“As God’s chosen, blessed sons and daughters, we are expected to attempt something large enough that failure is guaranteed…unless God steps in.”
“Can I look back over my walk with God and see very clearly that a sinful behavior I used to be caught up in is no longer an issue? Are there thoughts, attitudes, or habits that used to dominate my life but don’t anymore? If you can answer yes, you’re moving forward and upward with God.”
“Courage is not the absence of fear; rather, it’s choosing to act in spite of the fear. You could say that without fear, you can’t have genuine courage. When you do act in courage, you discover that fear doesn’t have to stop you. You see that what you thought were your limits are more like starting points.”
“God didn’t want me to do more for Him. He wanted me to be more with Him.”
“He peered up the ladder. In his young imagination, it must have reached the clouds.”
“If the truth has already transformed the teacher, then the truth has a far greater chance of transforming the students.”
“In my experience, God rarely makes our fear disappear. Instead, He asks us to be strong and take courage. What is courage? As Ordinary discovered, courage is not the absence of fear; rather, it’s choosing to act in spite of the fear. You could say that without fear, you can’t have genuine courage.”
“It’s only when we are self-conscious rather than other-conscious that we become so very nervous. When we focus on serving our audience, then the Lord is free to use us.”
“Keep your eyes on Christ, not the circumstances you find yourself in or the feelings you are experiencing.”
“Lord, let me make a difference for you that is utterly disproportionate to who I am.”
“Most of us think our lives are too full already. But when, in faith, you start to pray for more ministry, amazing things occur. As your opportunities expand, your ability and resources supernaturally increase, too. Right away you’ll sense the pleasure God feels in your request and His urgency to accomplish great things through you.”
“Not surprisingly, the place we’re most likely to experience testing is exactly where we struggle most to trust God.”
“O God and King, please expand my opportunities and my impact in such a way that I touch more lives for Your glory. Let me do more for You!”
“Our dreams, like the disciples’, are always too small. We are here to fulfill God’s dream—that we will bring Him glory through a remarkably abundant life. That’s how we find our greatest personal fulfillment, now and for eternity.”
“Our heavenly Father never takes anything from His children unless He means to give them something better.”
“Simply put, God favors those who ask. He holds back nothing from those who want and earnestly long for what He wants.”
“The better you understand the journey to your Dream and what God is doing in your life, the less likely you are to abandon your Dream.”
“The Bible wasn’t given for our information but for our transformation”
“The journey to your big dream.”
“The most effective war against sin is to pray that we will not have to fight.”
“The only thing that can break the cycle of abundant living is sin. Sin breaks the flow of God’s power.”
“The single best way to develop leaders . . . is to take people out of their safe environment and away from the people they know, and throw them into a new arena they know little about. Way over their head, preferably. In fact, the more demanding their challenges, the more pressure and risk they face, the more likely a dynamic leader will emerge.”
“What is courage? As Ordinary discovered, courage is not the absence of fear; rather, it’s choosing to act in spite of the fear. You could say that without fear, you can’t have genuine courage.”
“When we ask for God’s blessing, we’re not asking for more of what we could get for ourselves.”
Bruce Wilkinson discusses some of the most instrumental points to remember from his book, ‘You Were Born for This.’
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