When you are coming up with the URL for your site, you need to be careful with the words and order that you choose. The actual URL for your site will play a big role in how it ranks as a whole and how much online visibility you have as a result. If you want to rank high within search engines, you need to be aware of the most helpful URL creation tips. Here are the key takeaways from this infographic.
1) Readability
Even though it is a URL and not a title or a headline, you still need to be sure that you create a URL that has some readability. The URL’s that have the most visibility online are those that are readable. This means that you do not want a bunch of hyphens or index words to fill the URL. It is much better to simply have the title as the URL and have it in an order that is readable to the online user. If your URL is readable in some way, it is guaranteed to rank higher as a result, which is key.
2) Clean Number
If you are going to include numbers within the URL, you need to make sure that they are arranged in a way that there is no confusion. This means that if the title is included in the URL and it contains a number, you should not include other number in the URL that take away from the meaning or readability of the title. The less numbers that are included is always better when you want your URL to be less confusing and to rank higher as a result.
3) One URL
It is also a good idea to make sure that you combine URL’s that serve the same content. This is the best way to make sure that the URL is seen and is ranked high. If you have two separate URL’s it can take away the effectiveness of the other one.
4) No Stop Words
When you are putting the title or headline into the URL, you do not need to add ant stop words. This means that words like and, but and for are not necessary and should not be included in your URL if you want it to rank as high as it possibly can. You should limit the stop words that you use because it only serves to make the URL longer, which is not ideal.
The post 10 Tips for Creating SEO Friendly URLs appeared first on BrandonGaille.com.