James Watt was the U.S. Secretary of Interior from 1981 to 1983 and considered one of the most controversial cabinet appointments made by Ronald Reagan at the time. As the author of ‘Courage of a Conservative,’ Watt has been met with his share of controversies. Here is a look at some of the most notable James Watt quotes from his time.
“A lie can run around the world before the truth can get it’s boots on.”
“After the last tree is felled, Christ will come back.”
“Early American speeches, from Washington’s to Patrick Henry’s, have been detheologized in history textbooks. No one has called it censorship.”
“He seemed to have a fascination with this stuff, … We don’t know, really, what he was up to. There were some pretty strange writings.”
“I was driven from my position as Interior Secretary, not because of my environmental record, but because of my Christian beliefs. That’s the real struggle.”
“In the 1980s… it was a liberal philosophy of government that changed the rules to suit its own political ends. We were forfeiting our freedoms to conform to a humanistic philosophy that was patently antireligious.”
“It encompasses practically every form and every style and every technique starting from the 13th century all the way down to the 18th.”
“It should be a continuing embarrassment. And someday there’ll be enough compassion that we’ll care as much about an American Indian as we do a prairie rat.”
“Liberals have shifted government into a position of being neutral between right and wrong. By concentrating power in government institutions, liberals chisel at the three pillars of society: the family unit, work ethic and faith. That’s not good for America.”
“My responsibility is to follow the Scriptures which call upon us to occupy the land until Jesus returns.”
“One of the chief considerations of the decorative arts galleries was that they should be suitable for the display of textiles, and for this initial exhibition we have chosen mainly textiles from the 15th through the 17th centuries.”
“They kill good trees to put out bad newspapers.”
“We don’t have to protect the environment, the Second Coming is at hand.”
“We were looking at the space when we were designing the whole suite of galleries, and we noticed that the ceiling was so tremendously high that we could easily make two floors of it.”
Watt infamously speaks about the topic of energy independence and hit right on target with this warning in 1984.
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