The Benefits Of FMLA-Covered Leave Overshadow Its Flaws
Are you employed yet facing unfortunate circumstances? Is a family member very near and dear to your heart undergoing a drastic medical procedure? Do you have a family member that is terminally ill or disabled and in their final stages of life? Will they require in-home hospice care soon? Are you frequently calling out of work to ensure they are properly cared for? Are you worried that you are not able to spend enough quality time with them while they’re in a fairly good physical, emotional, and psychological state? Don’t worry as you are covered by the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) passed in 1993. However, there are numerous important factors that both employees and businesses should know about FMLA to ensure they are accurately covered by law.
How FMLA Works
FMLA is a comprehensive law that protects your employment for a period of up to 12 weeks. Although you are not paid during this period, you can spend a significant amount of time helping your loved one enjoy their final stage of life. Keep in mind that similar to other laws there are certain guidelines and restrictions.
Are you currently employed and considering taking time off in accordance to the FMLA? Before you do so make sure you are in fact qualified to receive these services. The first step in being eligible for FMLA is to be employed with a company covered by FMLA.
How would you know if your employer is covered? For an employer to be covered by FMLA, they must have 50 or more eligible FMLA employees on payroll who work at least 20 workweeks during the current or preceding year.
Understanding the Qualifications for FMLA Leave
Now that you’ve got this squared away, let’s see if you qualify for FMLA-covered leave. Qualified applicants must have worked for an FMLA-covered employer for a minimum of 12 months and worked at least 1250 hours. It is essential that you know whether you quality for FMLA services because 62% of American workers qualify to take FMLA-covered leave, but are not aware that these services actually apply to them.
Are you considering taking leave under the FMLA, but fear that your job position would no longer be available? Although many FMLA-eligible employees had great experiences and returned to work for the same employer thereafter, there exist numerous complaint cases. Some people were treated unfairly as their employer refused to grant them FMLA-covered leave, refused to restore their same position following FMLA leave, failed to maintain health benefits, and terminated them.
The FMLA was implemented to protect the rights of employees faced with unfortunate and uncontrollable circumstances. If you are pondering taking FMLA-covered leave today, make sure you work for an employer covered by the FMLA and that you are qualified to receive FMLA-covered leave. Don’t hesitate. The fate of your ill family member lies in your hands and only you can make the decision to help care for them during this time.
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