Twitter Marketing Cheat Sheet
A listing of 64 advanced tips to use when marketing on Twitter to increase your followers and exposure.
1. Customize your background.
2. Use a headshot as your photo.
3. Make your bio detailed.
4. Include SEO related keywords in your bio.
5. Link your website or blog.
6. Do not use a logo or egg for your photo.
7. Add more details in background.
8. Use an app to organize your tweets.
9. Organize your followers in lists.
10. Follow tweets by hashtag.
11. Monitor your brand tweets.
12. Create lists for competition.
13. Schedule tweets to occur in the future.
14. Follow twitter chats that relate to you or interest you.
15. Monitor events that buzz around.
16. Add buttons to your blog and individual posts.
17. Feed your tweets to your blog and Facebook page.
18. Add your twitter name to your marketing materials.
19. Display your twitter name on invoices and signage.
20. List your twitter name across multiple social networks.
21. Include share buttons when email marketing.
22. Ask people to follow you in your email signage.
23. Download a twitter app for your smartphone to keep connected.
24. Offer services via Twitter.
25. Tweet about services.
26. Tweet recipes in 140 characters.
27. Tweet food truck locations.
28. Teach class one tweet at a time.
29. Transcend communication limits.
30. Solicit resumes via creative tweet first.
31. Offer loyalty reward programs.
32. Use hashtags to designate topics.
33. Post hashtag for industry related events.
34. Invent hashtags for products.
35. Identify trends with a hashtag.
36. Offer content to name product.
37. Promote contests with a hashtag.
38. Recommend colleagues.
39. Clearly define events by hashtag.
40. Keep original tweets short and sweet.
41. Use RT @ .
42. Ask for the retweet.
43. Links are retweeted the most.
44. Retweet for networking.
45. Add short comment.
46. Thank people for retweets.
47. Always credit content sources.
48. Hold contests for retweets.
49. Ask for follower feedback.
50. Grant clients creative control.
51. Monitor what your competition is doing.
52. Quickly adapt to feedback that is provided.
53. Create lists for evangelists.
54. Create lists for detractors.
55. Post a survey offering incentives.
56. Predict trends by listening.
57. Participate in industry related chats.
58. Do market research for trends and products.
59. Ask colleagues for feedback and advice.
60. Reach out and make connections.
61. Follow savvy chat tweeters.
62. Crowdsource collaborative projects.
63. Offer or read follow-up transcript.
64. Identify and follow hosts.
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