Making Your PPC Advertising Effective
There are many tried and trusted, as well as new methods for making your PPC (paid per click) advertising the most effective yet. There are also new ways that are blazing through the market. You can try either or elements of both in order to get the best response to your PPC ads. Here, we will look at both methods, and tactics used in each. We will also discuss the best way to test your PPC ads to see how they hold-up against the competition.
The Traditional Way
Spacing and punctuation are good ways to get people to notice your PPC ads. Try mixing-up your use of space, as well as using unexpected punctuation. You can think about adding a subfolder in order to display the page the ad will take you to when you click. Feel free to ask a question in the link. Or, add a description that lets the customer know what you offer over the competition. Think about adding seasonal copy that corresponds with the time of year. Talk about your social media presence. You can even use scare tactics, if you would like! Alliteration is another catchy way to get noticed. Mix-up the order of your headlines. Or, just post the official URL.
The New Way
Insert a keyword or two in the ad. You may want to think about using all the space in your ad. Perhaps keep your destination URL the same as the one displayed. Quotation marks can catch the eye. Try using selling techniques, including adding stats, offering a percentage off, or a discount. You can even make these a limited time offer. Stick in a testimonial, or give your consumers a call to action. Being funny or silly could make your ad stand out. You may even want to think or penning a catchy rhyme. Using symbols, like trademarks or copyrights, can also work. Feel free to put (recommended) at the end of your ad.
Testing Your Ads
Effectiveness comes down to testing. When testing ads, try 2-3 different variations. Be sure all of them have a period at the end of the copy in the first line. Think about using different ad rotation methods. In Bing ads, perimeters are your friend. Study statistics to determine which ad works best. Keywords should always appear in bolded text. Lastly, remember to test, test, and test. This is the best way to choose a winner.
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