The Ultimate HTML5 Tag List and Cheat Sheet
When HTML 5 was first released, the support of browsers was initially poor. As of today, all major browsers from Firefox to Opera offer HTML5 support. This new hypertext markup language added on some additional features that should make developers happy. The need for external plugins such as Flash has been reduced with error handling becoming easier than previous version. HTML5 is also device dependent with additional features based on HTML, CSS, DOM, and Javascript. The biggest developed is seen in the multimedia department where heavy content can be operated on low power devices. A short list of some of the new HTML tags is outlined below.
New HTML5 Tags
<article> – This independent tag defines an article for a user comment or post.
<aside> – Allows your content to be placed in a lateral sidebar.
<nav> – Automatically makes your lists act like navigation.
<section> – Defines any kind of sections within the document and works similar to the div tag.
<audio> and <video> – Allows you to mark the sound or video content making it easier to operate on different devices.
<embed> – This defines a container for interactive content such as a plugin or external application.
<canvas> – Graphics can be drawn via a script.
Changes in HTML5
The success of HTML 4.01 has spurred the development of HTML5 where new syntaxes offer expanded capabilities. Some tags from older versions are no longer supported by HTML5 are listed below.
<acronoym> – This was used to defined acronyms in HTML 4.01
<applet> – Defined an embedded applet.
<basefont> – Defined default font properties for all text.
<big> – Increased the size of text.
<center> – Center aligned the text and content.
<dir> – Defined a directory list.
<font> – Specified the font face, font size, and color of text.
<tt> – Defined teletype text.
<u> – Defined underlined text.
<xmp> – Defined preformatted text.
10 Benefits to HTML 5
1. HTML 5 is becoming the new standard. With its rapid development, it has quickly become the new driving force for creating more dynamic end results. Modern browsers all support HTML 5 and is being used in the development of new plugins and mobile frameworks.
2. It is faster and cheaper while reducing developing time. With the wide support, developers can now spend more time working with the latest tools to optimize the functionality of your site versus compatibility.
3. HTML 5 is also modern. With CSS3, new support and visual style allows increased techniques to be deployed with lightweight sites and reduced images and files. This increases load time and responsivity for an improved user experience.
4. Improved usability decreases the amount of external plugins needed for the same result. Heavy support for animations and transitions allows dynamic visual effects to be created and the development of websites and applications in the same technologies.
5. Supported with mobile devices allows a more lightweight solutions for visual effects. This moves content to the forefront and helps to deliver your product or services to wider array of customers.
6. Smarter storage allows cookies to be stored across multiple windows with increased security and performance. It is based on client size data with fewer worries of cookies being deleted.
7. HTML5 also allows the developer to clean up their code even more so. With the addition of things such as the nav tag, there is no need to assign id or classes for each section of content.
8. The doctype no longer required the cutting and pasting of unreadable code. It is also supported by every browser.
9 Video and audio support eliminates the need for Flash and third part players. There is no need to worry about your media player operating incorrectly. With the embed and object tags, a wide array of parameters can be assigns where videos are inadvertently treated as imaged.
10. Accessibility has improved in semantics and allows more ease in accessing content. Assigning roles in your code is easier than ever before with the ability to validate attributes so they will no longer be overlooked.
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