Top 8 Music Apps for iPhone and Android
According to Bob Dylan, a song is something that can walk on its own. For Louis Armstrong, all music is classified as folk music. Bob Marley has said that one good thing about music is that you won’t feel any kind of pain when it hits you.
Music has been put on air commercially for more than 90 years and it has become accustomed to the introduction of television and internet with ease. Thus, it’s no wonder that streaming music is among the most popular activities done by people on their mobile phones. With the availability of various music apps, people find the easier to look for the kind of music they like anywhere they are and anytime they want. Some of these music apps can be obtained for free while some require a certain amount of money for you to be able to use it.
Top 8 iPhone Music Apps
1. TuneIn Radio
This app took the first spot with 6.6 percent of iPhone users.
2. Pandora
Second on the list is Pandora with 5.8 percent of iPhone users.
3. Spotify
Spotify is third place with 3.6 percent of iPhone users.
4. IHeartRadio
Taking the fourth spot is IHeartRadio with over 1 percent of iPhone users.
5. Rdio
More than 1 percent of iPhone users loved the Rdio.
6. Slacker
This music app is placed at the sixth spot with over 1 percent of iPhone users.
7. Last.FM
Taking the seventh spot is Last.FM with more than 1 percent of iPhone users loving it.
8. Rhapsody
Rhapsody took the eight spot with over 1 percent of people using it.
Top 8 Android Music Apps
1. Android Music
Android Music occupied the top spot for the top 8 music apps for Android. 7.6 percent of Android users are using this app.
2. Amazon MP3
Taking the second spot is Amazon MP3. 5.4 percent of Android users loved the app.
3. TuneIn Radio
Occupying the third spot for the best music apps for Android is TuneIn Radio with 4.9 percent of people using this application.
4. Pandora
Pandora is placed at the fourth spot with 4.6 percent of Android users making use of this music app.
5. Spotify
Spotify took the fifth spot with 3.3 percent of Android users utilizing this app.
6. Slacker
With 1.2 percent of Android users, Slacker is placed at the sixth spot for the top 8 music apps for Android.
7. IHeartRadio
IHeartRadio is placed at seventh for the top 8 music apps for Android. Over 1 percent of Android users are utilizing this app.
8. Rhapsody
Taking the eight spot is Rhapsody with over 1 percent of people using this app on their Android devices.
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