21 Dramatic Child Soldiers in Africa Statistics
Sending a soldier off to fight a war is one thing. Every nation needs some sort of military for defensive capabilities at the very least. Sending children off to become soldiers, however, is a very...
View ArticleHow to Start a Tax Preparer Business
Many people see tax preparation as a seasonal type of business, but it is something that can be run all year long. There’s one basic need that everyone must meet in order to know how to start a tax...
View Article10 Keys to Making Your Business Blog Successful
There are bloggers who have minted more than a million dollars. A few of them still make a lot of money every month. However, millions of bloggers make almost nothing. Over the last ten years,...
View Article7 Executive Onboarding Best Practices
How do executives build up the reputation they have so that they become a desirable commodity to an organization? Modern executive onboarding is about 99% perception and 1% reality. A new executive can...
View Article36 Odd Overfishing Statistics
Could we be fishing the life out of the sea in our quest to have tasty seafood to eat? The statistics of overfishing seem to imply that this could be happening at a very rapid pace. We’ve been worried...
View ArticleHow to Start a Crime Scene Cleanup Business
If you have a passion for cleaning, then you might want to know how to start a crime scene cleanup business. It isn’t the easiest job in the world and it will require you to have a strong stomach. Why?...
View Article15 Ways to Increase Email Subscribers to Your Blog
What is harder, getting the first 1000 subscribers on your blog or getting the second 1000? The answer is simple. Getting started is harder than rolling by the virtue of acquired momentum. Of course,...
View Article10 Invoice Processing Best Practices
Invoice processing might not be one of the most glamorous tasks that an organization needs to complete on a regular basis, but it is an integral process that contributes to its overall success. Every...
View Article22 Important Whistleblowing Statistics
The idea of whistleblowing is simple. By rewarding people who are willing to step up and say that there is something wrong going on within a government or business, the goal is to provide a more...
View ArticleHow to Apply for Farm Subsidies
Small businesses come in all different shapes and sizes. A farm is just as much a small business as a retail outlet or a restaurant. The one difference that a farmer must face very year are regulations...
View ArticleHow to Sell Like Crazy and Profit on Etsy
Etsy is a wonderful place. For once, there is a site where handmade products can be showcased, marketed and more importantly, sold. At a time when mass productions and products lacking character have...
View Article9 Fantastic 302 Redirect SEO Tips
The idea of a 302 redirect is something that will make the average person scratch their heads. In basic terms, a simple redirect allows for a site to be temporarily redirected to a new page. A search...
View Article30 Stunning Baby Boomer Population Statistics
Many news reports discuss how the Baby Boomer population is going to weigh down Social Security in the US, affect the quality of health care around the world, and generally cause a negative situation...
View ArticleHow to Start a Gourmet Popcorn Business
If you have a love for popcorn and believe that there is a service gap in your community where some gourmet popcorn flavors could find a niche, then you’ll want to know how to start your own gourmet...
View Article10 Famous Inspirational Leadership Quotes
There are two very contrarian viewpoints about leaders and leadership. One viewpoint is that leaders are born and not made. The other viewpoint is that leaders are made and not born. It is true that...
View Article9 Joomla vs WordPress SEO
Here’s the large issue that is hanging in the room when Joomla vs. WordPress SEO is discussed. Many domain owners want to know what kind of platform that will best implement their search engine...
View Article46 Dramatic Death Row Demographics
The United States is one of the few industrialized nations that allows for capital punishment sentences to be handed down. Although the amount of executions has been dramatically reduced from late...
View ArticleHow to Start a Hydro Dipping Business
If you love to create amazing pieces of art, but don’t mind them being displayed on everyday items like golf carts or video game controllers, then knowing how to start a hydro dipping business may be...
View Article10 Best Local On Page SEO Tips
Search engine optimization is a huge ballgame. There are tons of things to be done. The detailing is so complicated and vast that most business owners would get utterly perplexed. Instead of getting...
View Article28 Awesome New Employee Onboarding Checklist
One of the most effective methods of bringing in a new employee and getting them up to speed on their job responsibilities is through the use of an onboarding checklist. A new employee onboarding...
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