The Perfect Blog Sidebar Formula
The demise of the sidebar has been overstated over the last couple of years. I have come across several big named bloggers asking the question of, “Is the sidebar even worth having anymore.” Many of...
View Article23 Wonderful Julian Pencilliah Quotes
Julian Pencilliah is the founder and chairman of the Quantum Capital Fund. Known for his book, ‘The Jetstream of Success,’ Pencilliah discusses how to achieve your goals by focusing on attaining the...
View Article20 Top-Notch Julieanne O’Connor Quotes
Julieanne O’Connor is the author of the book, ‘Spelling it Out for Your Man.’ As an inspirational leader for more than two decades and an advocate for human interactions, O’Connor has shared her great...
View Article29 Captivating Candy Industry Trends
Even when economic times seem a little tough, the candy industry always seems to do pretty well. Candy is one of those sweet indulgences that people use to help turn around a bad day. Since it is also...
View Article101 Ideas for Good Catchy Blog Post Titles
Simply creating content is not good enough. The only way that you content can be an effective marketing and branding tool is if it is seen and shared online. This means that you need to focus on ways...
View Article22 Captivating K.A. Hosein Quotes
K.A. Hosein ia a Muslim born in a Western World. With English spoken as her primary language, she has undertaken a personal journey to learn about different people around the world. Through her written...
View Article18 Pros and Cons of Facebook Advertising
Organic reach is on the decline. This is forcing many businesses and brands to look at online advertising investments as a potential solution. The pros and cons of Facebook advertising are being...
View Article35 Fabulous Kahlil Gibran Quotes
Kahlil Gibran was an artist and Lebanese-American poet. Born in a town of the Ottoman Empire, Gibran wrote the inspirational fiction series of philosophical essays, known as ‘The Prophet.’ Known as the...
View Article28 Curious Appliance Industry Trends
Appliance come in many different shapes and sizes to accommodate many different household requirements. From washing clothes to preparing food, many of our daily habits rely on this industry for each...
View Article15 Best Stress Management Techniques Proven By Science
Many people assume that they have to be professional and serious at all times in the workplace, but this might not be entirely true. It is possible to actually improve creativity and productivity in...
View Article43 Marvelous Kamal Ravikant Quotes
Kamal Ravikant is known for his unique perspectives gained from his list of amazing experiences in his life thus far. From meditating among Tibetan monks in the Dalai Lama’s monastery to walking more...
View Article30 Stunning Commercial Printing Industry Trends
In the commercial printing industry, the small successes that have been experienced are highly celebrated because market recovery since 2009 has been difficult. The industry has been trending with...
View Article30 Magnificent Kanye West Quotes
Kayne West is an American rapper and songwriter. Known for many controversial statements, West is among one of the most acclaimed musicians of the 21st century and a best selling artists of all time...
View Article5 Ways to Make Your Content Stand Out and Get Read
When businesses are creating content, there are many different ways to measure success. However, social media shares have now become the gold standard for evaluating the effectiveness of online...
View Article10 Pros and Cons of a Family Business
Owning a business and being their own boss is a dream for many. It turns into a reality by starting a family business, more often than not. Some family businesses have even been operating for multiple...
View Article20 Sensational Kathleen Hall Quotes
Kathleen Hall is an expert on the topics of stress, mindfulness, and mindful living. As the creator of the Mindful Living Network, Hall has been a practicing stress expert for many years sharing her...
View Article36 Splendid Keith Ferrazzi Quotes
Keith Ferrazzi is an American speaker, author, and founder of Ferrazzi Greenlight. Most known for his book, ‘Never Eat Alone,’ his California based business specializes in creating positive...
View Article7 Ways to Organize Your Blog Content for Maximum Engagement
How you organize the content of your site can make or break your blog. It can be the difference between making some extra income and quitting your job to become a full-time blogger. The way your site...
View Article23 Breathtaking Kelly McGonigal Quotes
Kelly McGonigal is a psychologist most known for study in achieving personal goals despite internal conflict. As a practitioner of meditation and other practices that help to achieve mental clarity and...
View Article29 Provocative Aerospace and Defense Industry Trends
The aerospace and defense [A&D] industry is in a situation that can only be described as challenging. In most nations around the world, the spending on defensive aerospace equipment as been placed...
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